Room renovation pics

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 | |

OK, here are pics of the work in progress. Jennifer has been video-ing this for the kid and I took some screen shots from the video. Unfortunately, the colors do not come out all that well. The room is looking much better today than it is in these pics and I will get some more pics uploaded once the trim is finished.

Building the closet organizer. We priced buying a "kit" but it was much too expensive so I decided to build one myself. Here I am marking off the spots for the holes for the adjustable shelving. Alot of measure-twice-drill-once as I drilled holes up both the front and back of both sides so that we could adjust the shelving when we needed to.

Here's the original color of the room. The yellow on the right side is closer to the actual yellow of the room. This used to be our computer room and we painted it when we moved in years ago but never really did much else to it until now.

A shot of the closet with the closet organizer in place, doors off being painted, and some of the painting has been started in the corners and around the outlets. I never realized how small the closet was until I started trying to figure out what I'd do to it. The shelves on the right side are adjustable with plans for a hamper at the bottom. There are 3 clothes racks on the left side now, but I made them adjustable so that we could install 2 as she grows then 1 later on. By the time she needs just 1 rack for her clothes I'm sure the shelves on the right side will need to come out as this is a tiny closet.

The painting begins. It's hard to tell, but the paint is less blue and more of a mauve or purplish tint. Have I ever told you how much I hate painting? We decided to put wainscoting on the bottom part of the wall so I got lucky on the painting and only had to paint 3/4 of the way down the wall. Unfortunately, the wainscoting took many more hours of work than the painting would've taken me. I'm surprised at how easy the wainscoting went together. Once all of it was nailed in place, I painted it with 2 coats of white paint. The paint looks very blue in this pic.

Here I am demonstrating my expertise at home renovations... painting with my mouth while using the air nailer to secure the wainscoting to the walls.
More pics to come...


geminirn said...

Wow!guys this is all coming together very well....and Scott you are like Monctons very own Mike Holmes(you are quite the handy man),this is very exciting.

Joe and Dianne

Anonymous said...

LOL!! That last picture just made me laugh out loud. We used to joke at Irving that we had to learn to multi-task and we'd joke about using our feet to type with as well as our hands, pens in our mouth to write with, etc. You look like a true Irving multi-tasker in that shot.

The room looks great and I love the idea of putting the hamper in the closet. I may just borrow that idea!

Unknown said...

Great pictures..I was wondering what the room looked like, I with you Scott, I HATE PAINTING!!!
Looking Good guys! Not much longer!

Donna Paonessa said... it man!!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
The room seems to be coming along very nicely. I'm sure it will be beautiful and well worth all of the hard work you put into it!

We are keeping our fingers crossed for you to get your referral this month! After such a long's finally just weeks away!!

RoLo said...

Hey you could have your own tv show!!
Looking forward to seeing the end result.

Mom to Kayli and Mya said...

Room is looking great!!

Looking forward to seeing the end result! ( I saw your status on facebook LOL)!
