Why people annoy me

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 | |

As we wait, I receive emails from a Yahoo group called DTCNov2005. This is for families whose dossier to China *(DTC) is in November 2005. That’s us. It s a common area for us to chat and vent and anything else we need to do to get thru the wait.


I read it this morning and am quite disappointed with what one person wrote. It may be that she is thinking something different than what they wrote but it's quite frustrating to read some of this.


The latest message topic that people have been replying to involves people with an early November Log In date talking about the wait and how it's affecting their lives. Below is the statement that bothers me. I’ve highlighted the disturbing part.



1e. Re: Early November Referral Guesses.

    Posted by: "Lynda Turiel" cedaridge2370@nycap

    Date: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:27 am ((PDT))



Our family has the same problem! Three of us are to be in my nephews' wedding down in Jacksonville, FL in late July. This has been in the planning for two years now. Who'd have thought that our adoption, LID 11/7/05, would've taken this long and interfered in such a way. We are heartsick at the thought of a) not going because of the cost of lodging and transportation for four people from NY to FL or b) going and then being short on funds for the cost of our China trip. With so little time to "recover" financially, it just doesn't look feasible. I'm just so saddened by the possibly of having to tell them we cannot be there. We are waiting until this next batch to decide. We feel your pain :(



OK, I understand that people are affected by this in different ways, and maybe she didn’t use the right words, but saying that an adoption is interfering with her life makes it sound like a furniture delivery from Leon’s. This is a precious life that we are talking about and the process is life changing for not only us, but more for the child as we’re plucking them from all they know.


I sure hope this woman used the wrong word. If she truly feels that the adoption is interfering with her life, she is doing it for all the wrong reasons.


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott and Jen,

This is a very disturbing comment. It is too bad their social worker or CCAA could not access this comment. As I sit with my daughter in her snugli laughing at me while playing peek a boo and type this to you, I question this individual's motives for adopting. When we were in Changsha after receiving our daughters, our group visited an old presitigous university. A Chinese Couple approached a couple in another group spoke to them in Chinese with the demand that their guide translate their comment. Basically the Chinese Couple stated that Americans did not have the right to take these girls from China back home to America to dress them up as dolls. Perhaps this comment had basis. If I could post a response my question would be why is this person adopting? Children deserve responsible, loving homes. I hope she receives a lot of comments.
Candace Lavigne
Group 243B