morning update

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 | |

Nothing yet. Jen emailed and called our social worker Genevieve to see if she’s heard anything and she emailed and called back saying that she didn’t have anything but Bill (who handles our paperwork before it gets to Genevieve) had emailed her Friday saying the paperwork should soon be coming to her. Her schedule is free for most of the week and she should be able to get us in as soon as she gets the file.


As I understand it, Children’s Bridge usually turns around the paperwork within 24 hours. They need to translate it and review it then it gets sent back to Bill in Fredericton. Our guestimated timeline is that Children’s Bridge would receive the paperwork Friday, should have it translated by end of day yesterday and send it back to Bill today. Bill should hopefully send it on to Genevieve today for us to review tomorrow.


When we get the picture, we’ll announce it here, but we’re going to share it among friends and family before posting it to the blog. If you’re in the area, feel free to stop by our house that night as we’ll have an open door for anyone who wants to stop by. After the people leave, then we’ll post the pic here.


That’s it for now. I really don’t expect anything today.


Anonymous said...

CB Got my file on Friday and it got back to Bill Wednesday at 3:00 p.m.. Good luck. Maybe they like you better. :)

Oh yeah, then there was the power outage so he couldn't fax it down so I didn't get it until Thursday. He faxed it at 9:00 and FCS got it to me by 2:30. Love how the system works.

Angela said...

Thinking of you during what must be the most painful part of the wait!

Angela :)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Scott and Jen(And Abbey)! Life as you know it is just about to change!! The wait is always so worth it , as you both are about to see! Saty postive and BUSY!!
Take Care
The Blanchard's