Early rumors are not promising

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 | |

We’re at that part of the month again when the rumours are beginning about the next cut-off date.

A quick refresher.
The CCAA has matched children with files dated November 21, 2005 or before.
Our files are dated November 29, 2005
In the last 3 months, the CCAA has matched just under 7 days of files per month.
If they match 8 days or more, we should get our referral package in September and travel in November. If they match less than 8 days, we wait for at least another month.

Checking that evil RumorQueen site, the early rumours are saying that the cut-off will be November 25. This is still early, and these numbers do move, but I don’t think they’ll move as far as the 29th.

So, if this is the case, we’ll be waiting at least another month until the match is done and we get our referral. This will put us up to travelling in December.

Check back. As the beginning of the month gets closer, the rumours will be more plentiful until we get the official word from the CCAA.


EssGeeEff said...


Unknown said...

I hope that these early rumors are wrong..and they fit in all of November!!
I have my fingers crossed!