Wednesday update

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 | |


Now that the office has been emptied out for the transition to a kids room, we realize that we (OK, mostly I) have too much stuff. Nothing of great importance, just stuff. Books, magazines, trinkets, tools, clothes, shoes, camping stuff, just all-round general clutter.

Jen has come up with a great way to get us (me) to clean up my act. She went to Wal-Mart and bought 3 big Rubbermaid bins. One is marked KEEP, one is marked YARD SALE and the third is marked THROW OUT. Every item in every room will be touched and will end up in one of the 3 boxes. OK, some stuff like the living room is safe as I have nothing in those rooms. We can then decide where all the KEEP stuff will go. It’s amazing, as a packrat, how much stuff we accumulate.


Besides being a packrat I am also a professional procrastinator and the kid’s room’s renovations have taken a backseat until fall. I’ll play the odds and take a chance that we won’t get our referral until late summer / early fall which will allow me to enjoy the summer outside and not in a stuffy bedroom doing renos.


Look at the address line above and you’ll see that the URL for this website has changed to a Blogger hosted site. I was hosting this on my own website before but for several reasons (anonymity and privacy being the most important) I have moved it to Blogger. If you still go to www.sco... to get to this site, please change your bookmark now as the other link will soon disappear and this will be our only page.


I was fortunate enough to be able to go to the airport Friday to see little Kai arrive in Moncton. Kai is the 3 year old boy who was recently adopted by a Moncton family. Usually, we see a small child arrive in Moncton who is too young to fully realize what’s happening. For this arrival, it was somewhat different as Kai was well aware of his surroundings and you could see him stick close to Mom. We all gave them their space while he got comfortable with all the strangers around him. He met one of his “new” siblings” in China but the other 2 were waiting for him when he got here. It was quite a great site to see. I took some video and am hoping to have it available soon.

That’s it for now. Have a great Wednesday!



Shayla's Mom said...

Just wanted to say "hi".

Lisa (from Nov 2005 Blogroll)
LID 11/21/05

Red Sand said...

Jen is good! Very good. I wonder if that system would help in our house. I've been enjoying the new look.