From Yahoo News
The report, released Monday, found there were 50 cases of accidental bathtub drownings between 1986 and 2004, and five of those cases were directly related to the use of infant bath seats.
Deputy Chief Coroner Dr. Jim Cairns said infant bath seats often give parents a false sense of security that the baby will be OK alone in the bathtub.
"What happens in a typical case is that phone goes, the mom goes to get the phone ... she comes back, and the baby's drowned,"
"So it is our recommendation that these be banned."
Infant bath seats and bath rings are used to hold babies in a sitting position in the bathtub. Most of the products have suction cups which hold the seat or ring in place on the bottom of the tub.
A Health Canada consumer product safety website states that babies using bath seats or rings have drowned when the suction cups came loose, causing the seat to tip over.
In other instances, a baby slipped out through the leg opening of the seat or the baby tried to climb out of the seat.
"They want to get information from different medical coroners' offices about if they are seeing it (drownings), or is it just a concern that they might be,"
"Unfortunately ... we are seeing it."
"By pointing out to the public our concerns, that may well make people think twice and realize they can't leave the child, period."
Great article Scott,thanks for sharing.
It's too bad people can't buy common sense. Good article!
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