Invented in China

Monday, June 04, 2007 | |

Here is a (partial) list of some things that were invented in China. The dates can be disputed, but the credit for an invention can usually be proven by literature, references, drawings, etc.
5000 BC Lacquer
3000 BC Wheelbarrow
2400-300 BC Asian abacus
1000 BC Porcelain (China)
500 BC -500 AD Glider
206 BC Fireworks
200 BC Chess (a variant of what is known as the modern chess was invented circa 600 AD)
200 BC Wood Pulp Paper
200 BC Wallpaper
150 BC Iron plows
100 BC Blast furnace (steel)
132 AD Seismograph
200 AD Stirrups
200 AD Unmanned hot air balloon
300 AD Collapsible Umbrella
300 AD Compass
400 AD Petroleum well
500 AD Block Printmaking / Printing Technology
500 AD Stern mounted Rudder
577 AD Matches
600 AD Iron Casting
600 AD Gunpowder
600 AD Paper money and necessary monetary institutions
1070 AD Dry dock
1200 AD solid-fuel rocket
1300 AD Toilet Paper

Other Scientific and Mathematic items of interest:
Pi (π) was calculated by 5th century mathematician Zu Chongzhi to the seventh digit.
- 1st to record a SupernovaWere
the first to invent a planetarium
- The decimal system was used in China as early as the 14th Century BC.
- Studies in biology have been extensive, and historic records are consulted even today, such as pharmacopoeias of medicinal plants. Traditional medicine and surgery were highly advanced at various points in history, and in some fields are still seen as innovative.
- Military innovations include the crossbow and the grid sight, crossbow stirrup, repeating crossbows, the trebuchet, poison gas (smoke from burning dried mustard), tear gas made from powdered lime, relief maps for battle planning, manned kites, fire lance, rockets, gunpowder incendiaries, gunpowder grenades, proto-handguns, various gun-related ammunition types and the cannon.