Sugar camp outing

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 | |

From Claude C… his email address is if you need to correspond with him. This sounds like a great time for the Chinese community to interact with one another. Everybody loves an outing to a sugar camp in the spring. It’s a truly Canadian thing. I remember going as a kid and having them pour the hot syrup on the snow to harden it. These last few winters haven’t had enough snow to do that.


Hello Everyone,

One of the Greater Moncton Chinese Cultural Association's roles is to organize activities for its members so that they exchange as often as possible. With this in mind I would like to invite everyone to an outing at the Sugar Camp to take in a bit of the Canadian tradition and sweetness. "La cabane à Joe" also called "La Causerie Sugarbush" is located in Ste-Marie-de-Kent near Bouctouche. The date is for Easter weekend, Saturday, April 7th/2007 following the Chinese School, we will drive out to the location for lunch 12:00 p.m. There, you can order pancakes and beans served maple syrup. There will also be other foods like hamburgers, hotdogs, fries, etc. If you don't care for this kind of food, feel free to bring your own. The maple sugar will be served around 13:30 hrs. and they will sell the spoons for 4.00$ for adults and 3.75$ for children.

There is 2 ways to get to the location. Here is the recommended way (but longer).

La Causerie is located in the region of Kent about 40 minutes away from Moncton, New Brunswick close to many natural attractions of the Province.

a.. From Moncton, follow Highway 11 toward Miramichi until you reach the exit for Bouctouche.
b.. Take Exit 32B onto Rte 515. Follow the route for 6 miles along the river.
c.. Take a left across the bridge (Rte 525) .
d.. After crossing the bridge take a right.
e.. Follow the road for 1.6 miles and then take a left onto Sucrerie Road.
f.. The entrance to Sugar Bush 'La Causerie' is after 0.6 miles on your right.

The other way is you drive straight out hwy 115 through Irishtown, then Notre-Dame, then St-Antoine and finally Ste-Marie. You do NOT go across the Bridge.On this side of the bridge you keep on going straight and you will eventually see some indications.
If you get lost, you can me on my cell 866-5474. Also, if you would like to go and you don't have a drive, please let me know and we will find you a drive. I would suggest to people who will be going and who have room in their vehicle to invite others to car pool with them (Good way of getting to know others better).

I also encourage you to go see their web site

RSVP before 17 march so I can let them know how many people to expect.
We look forward to seeing