Friday ramblings

Friday, March 02, 2007 | |

We went to “Ma & Pa’s” last night for supper and there are some more quilt pieces there for us. In typical Scott-style, I forgot them. Oops. I’ll pick them up on the weekend.


It looks like the snow storm heading this way is causing problems for Children’s Bridge’s office in Ottawa. They are without power. So because of this, we won’t be getting the Friday update from CB until later tonight or even tomorrow.


I just checked the CCAA’s website and still no update from them on how far they made it thru the referral files. We’re expecting this information any day now. This next referral should include Darrell and Karen from Saint John who have been spending their time vacationing! I believe the next would be D and P also from Saint John (sorry, no blog for them) then it should be our turn. Did I miss anybody? I always forget someone when I list names.


Hey P, are you out there? What’s your prediction for our referral? When are we going to get it and what’s the chance that we’ll be travelling together? I need a veteran adopter on my side when we travel. I think our CB Group are all rookies like ourselves.



Anonymous said...

Well Scott, I wouldn't be holding my breath if I were you. As much as I wanted to believe in the speed up, it sure doesn't look like it is coming true. That is if you can believe any of what you read on the RQ site. I think if referrals go to the 26th this time I'm looking at a May referral and you're looking at June. I just like to say I'm getting my referral exactly when I thought I would - just one year later. Sucks. But it is what it is. That's my prediction. For what it's worth.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys it would be great if you guys got paired uo with P&D,would be nice to have another maritime family for you guys to travel with.

I'll keep my fingers/toes crossed

Anonymous said...

Looks like I was wrong - they are saying Oct 24th which means the RQ is right and I won't get my referral until June and you won't get yours until July or August. *sigh* At least you won't be traveling at the peak tourist season so you'll save a litte money (searching for the silver lining here!). But I think we can safely say we'll all be home before Christmas!!!