An email we received today

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 | |

I received this email tonight from "B". Thanks "B" for your encouraging words. With the process running much longer than we expected, your letter shows us that the wait will all be worth it in the end.
Just linked to your web page - saw that you logged in 15 months ago. Wanted to tell you of a family that we met in China last week.

We were on a homeland visit with our 2 daughters - ages 10 and 7 to China (together with their grandparents, and 2 other families from our 2nd adoption group).

In our hotel in Nanchang - the Gloria Plaza - the hotel we stayed at to adopt dd#2 to our delight, there were american families with their new daughters.

Our kids were so excited to visit with the new families - for the new families, it was an experience to see that these little babies DO grow up. The couple that we spoke the longest with were very excited - they received THE smartest, cutest, best natured, happiest baby of all (well, maybe this group, but they neglected to notice that MY kids were the smartest, cutest, best natured, happiest kids around ; ))

They were flying higher than kites. The mom commented that they were in China 1 year later than they had expected at their LID. She noted that while the wait was hard - having THIS child was the right thing. That the wait was worth it.

I know that I have my kids, that it seems easy for families like mine...but things happened in 96 that slowed our process - we felt that we might never be, as a word of encouragement - hang in there.

I look forward to hearing that your group has referrals, and reading about YOUR trip to adopt your child.

All the best


RoLo said...

Thanks for sharing:) it helps to read letters like this while we wait and wait.